Ventilation for Holiday Homes


Keep those holiday memories fresh with air filtration.

It’s an often-buried memory, but if you dig a little, you’re almost bound to find it — the tomb like effect of opening a holiday home after an extended off season. Fresh air and ventilation was opening every window and door for half a day to remove that persistent stale air.

The big benefit for ventilation in holiday homes is that you can keep the home fresh when it’s not in use.

Other big points to consider are preventing condensation, moisture build up and mould. Or in the case of an Airbnb it’s a sure two-star sign when the air smells like your uncle’s football closet — keep it 5 with ventilation.

If your holiday home is in far North Queensland ERV heat capture can be used as a passive cooling option or humidity control for a far more pleasant experience in the summer all round.

Running your air filtration system on the low setting, 24/7, even when the dwelling is not in use, will avoid those nasties of; mould, stale air funk and condensation.

Ventilation systems for your vacation home can be centralised or decentralised depending on the build, a decentralised system can be employed as a problem-solving solution if mould is a problem in the dwelling.

Centralised Ventilation
Centralised Ventilation with Heat Recovery Learn More
Decentralised Ventilation
Decentralised Ventilation for Retrofits Learn More